Thursday, November 08, 2012

I'm back!

Hey guys and gals. I'm back!

I was out of power for 10 days. Yes, 10 days without power which meant 10 days without read that right, 10 days without heat. I could deal with not having power. My boyfriend got power before I did so I charged my phone at his house. What really got to me was the cold...the cold was bad. My little sisters were shivering in their sleep and it broke my heart.. my youngest sister would press her face up against the fish tank and tell our fishes to not die.. it broke my heart. It was a bad 10 days... but we have our power back!

Hurricane Sandy kicked my ass though. No heat or power or nail polish. Well, if you follow me on instagram (@my_reh_neh) you know that I did paint my nails once in the dark and it came out pretty well. But I took that off and left them naked because it was really hard to see and I just wanted to focus on staying warm. I'm glad that I got my power back though and I'm ready to resume posting.

So tell me, what have I missed? Who else was affected by Sandy? What's new in the blogosphere? 10 days may not seem like a long time but it is...haha.


  1. Oh my gosh that is horrible! I'm so sorry girl! I can;t even fathom what you went through! I'm so glad your power and heat is back!

  2. I'm glad to hear you're back, but it's even better to hear that you have power again, after 10 days without it!

  3. Bless your heart! I'm so sorry you were without heat for that long. We lost it for 36 hours then no water for two days. We had the blizzard from the superstorm.

  4. I found your blog searching for Essie swatches. You have made my nail polish wish list so much longer! Love your pictures and your writing!
